Embroidery Machine Ricoma RCM-1501TS-12H
50€ per part of the day

**We are currently open for individual rentals on Wednesday and Friday afternoons. If you want to book at other times this can be done in consultation via lab@dewasserij.cc**
In our lab you will find this industrial-grade 15-head embroidery machine. Load your files into the computer, convert them to stitches and experiment with different kind of stitching techniques. The maximum hoop size of the machine is 50x35cm. There are also a number of smaller hoops available. For using the yarns from De Wasserij we charge a price of € 0.80 per 1000 stitches.

Sint-Agathastraat 54
3037 SH Rotterdam

textiles finalise
For more information, please contact De Wasserij.

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